
UkrSibbank Transferred Over UAH 300,000 to Children with Down Syndrome

In 2014 UkrSibbank BNP Paribas Group transferred over UAH 300,000 to Ukrainian Charitable Organization “Down Syndrome” under the “Silver Coin” charity project.

Funds collected in 2014 were spent for:

  • 4 regional seminars for 210 experts and 21 parents from 17 regions of Ukraine;
  • 62 psychological consultations, 19 online consultations;
  • 38 primary consultations for new families;
  • 20 therapeutic parental groups;
  • 137 kinesitherapy consultations.

Also, 71 families received support and special treatment in early support groups (0-2 years). Part of the raised funds was also spent to provide parents with 28 primary information packages, to visit new families in maternity hospitals, to develop and print 4,000 booklets for maternity hospitals, perinatal centres and antenatal clinics. 180 special booklets were provided to nearly 20 maternity hospitals and obstetric institutions.

Owing to UkrSibbank’s support, “Down Syndrome” Charitable Organization took part in the 6th Congress of neonatologists of Ukraine and in the development of clinical medical protocol for Down syndrome under the aegis of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

“For over five years of the “Silver Coin” project we managed to collect several millions of hrivnias for children and their parents, thus changing the quality of life of these people. But our greatest achievement is that attitude of society towards children with Down syndrome is changing,” says Konstantin Lezhnin, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board on Retail Banking. “We hope that we managed to encourage people to review their attitude towards the “sunny” children.

Within the framework of the project, UkrSibbank quarterly transfers 1% of the amount of all transactions performed by our clients using “Silver Coin” cards to the account of “Down Syndrome” organization.