
«We cherish what we own»: A business support project with a fund totally amounting to 1 million hryvnias has launched

Minfin financial Website along with UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group and Mastercard, launch the Business-Support Project in Ukraine «We take care of what we own» with a fund totally amounting to 1 000 000 hryvnias, thanks to which the entrepreneurs may obtain financial aid for supporting their own business, relocation, or the other goals related to direct business activities.

Project key goal
The Project key goal is lending support to the entrepreneurs operating for the sake of Ukrainian victory in the war and holding the economic front line: create new workplaces, pay taxes, help overcome war consequences and offer socially important goods or services.

Today, Ukrainian entrepreneurs are real heroes. Daily they overcome various challenges related to looking for new markets and specialists, the relocation, business scaling, and further development. Their wish to support own employees and community, foster the economy of their country, and work for the sake of victory are impressive. Therefore, being a reliable financial partner, UKRSIBBANK has supported the project “We cherish what we own”. This is our contribution to development of sustainable business environment in Ukraine.

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Retail Business of UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group

All new clients of UKRSIBBANK are legal entities of Small-and Medium-sized Businesses, which take part in the project «We cherish what we own» taking place from 14 September to 31 October 2023, who open one of their accounts at the Bank for conducting their own business: «Econom», or «Bezlimitnyi», will receive free-of-charge account maintenance for the period up to one year. At the same time, when the above participant of the promotion event opens package-services account for its own purposes – All Inclusive De Luxe, then he/she will have an opportunity to free-of-charge enjoying the advantages of Premium services at the International Bank, this opportunity is only available for the one representative of the project-participating company. To learn more details on the offer, please refer by the link.


Requests for participation in the Project are accepted until the 25th of October.

Conditions of project participation

  • Citizens of Ukraine, who are founders (participants) of legal entities registered and operating in the territory of Ukraine shall participate in the project. To apply for participation in the project, the participants fill-out a questionnaire and submit the required information on the company activities.
    Individuals who conduct their economic activities as individual entrepreneurs do not participate in the project.

  • A participant and a legal entity, under no circumstances, cooperate with Russia or Republic of Belarus as from 24 February 2022.

  • A legal entity, applied for, is officially registered in Ukraine, within a period exceeding one year, as at the date of the request submission.

  • A legal entity belongs to one of the following options:

    • micro business (annual income not exceeding 10 million hryvnias);

    • small enterprise (annual income within 10-100 million hryvnias);

    • middle-sized enterprise (annual income within 100-400 million hryvnias).

  • A legal entity has been actively conducted its business within the recent calendar year.

  • A legal entity does not have open legal proceedings of bankruptcy, indebtedness to the Budget, loan debts at bank institutions of Ukraine that exceeds 90-day period.

Project participation categories

  • Real economic home front. This category covers legal entities that create goods or services, which in war conditions help Ukrainian Defense Forces, the veterans, and/or people who suffered from war-actions.

  • Veteran force. This category comprises legal entities established by veterans or, where the veterans of the Russia-Ukraine war, Anti-terrorist operation, and Special Operations Forces are employed (at least 1 employed for micro/small enterprise, at least 3 – for medium-sized enterprise).

  • Support to development. This category covers the companies which have been relocated within Ukraine but require support for relocation/business scaling in order to continue operation in Ukraine.
    According to the Project terms and conditions for these categories, the entrepreneurs themselves send requests for receiving financial within this Project scope. A jury shall select by 1 winner in 3 categories between the applicants.

  • Bonus-rewarded category. For this category, the jury shall select, from received questionnaires, 37 companies by one or several criteria:

    • a participant creates goods / services, which are important for certain group of population (children, people with disabilities, the internally relocated person, the entrepreneurs, etc.);

    • a participant takes a proactive position and/or voluntarily helps the persons suffered from war actions;

    • a participant substantiates a need in financial assistance for a certain purpose, which in its turn, will facilitate improvement of production or establishment of new business-processes.

    The Bonus-awarded winner shall be selected while awarding ceremony on a random basis, among the short-listed candidates to be selected by jury.

  • To learn the Project details and submit a request for participation, please refer by the link.