
Exports – Imports 2024: Practical advice for businesses at seminars from UKRSIBBANK and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

In 2024, UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group jointly with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine and the regional trade-and-industry chambers will hold a series of workshops «Exports-Imports 2024: contracts, customs, court practice, currency control, and logistics. Practical advice for business».

Seminars will be held in five cities of Ukraine:

Participation in the events is free of charge,

During the events, the territorial bodies of State Customs Service will talk about the work of entities of foreign economic activity in 2024. Mykola Larin, an expert in the international trade field, an official Certified ICC trainer on the Incoterms®2020 in Ukraine, and Kateryna Danilova, Head of court practice on tax and customs-related disputes of JSC «Barristers».

The speakers, jointly with the participants will discuss the issues related to the export-, and import operations, logistics, customs clearance of goods, conclusion, and execution of foreign economic contracts during the war period. They will learn what risks exist in International markets, as well as how to pay and administer taxes while carrying out the export-and-import operations.

A series of free-of-charge workshops from UKRSIBBANK and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be useful for the owners of businesses and enterprises that are focus on exports and imports, the heads of businesses, or financial directors of the enterprises engaged in the foreign economic activity, the advisors and FEA managers, traders, lawyers engaged in the field of international trade, arbitration, logisticians, forwarders and carriers, and representatives of the agricultural-and-industrial complex.

Every day, modern business is looking for new sales markets and customers, exploring new economic branches. At the same time, the efficient foreign economic activity contributes to the sustainable economic growth of Ukraine and improvement of the population’s well-being. At all stages of development, organizations need knowledge and reliable partners. At “Exports-Imports 2024” seminars, the participants will get valuable knowledge that help them to conduct export-and-import activity in our country. It will also facilitate the improvement of the products and service quality. As a reliable financial partner, we strive for creating all conditions for our Customers’ business development.

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Retail Business of UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group

It should be noted that in 2023 UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group has become a general partner of the International Chamber of Commerce «ICC comments to the Rules of Incoterms® 2020». The manual comprises extensive answers to the most important issues of business engaged in the International trade in the difficult conditions of suppliesrestructuring.

Relevant Comments on Incoterms rules are universal for entrepreneurs of all countries and the trade operations, facilitating the better understanding of legal particularities of interaction with foreign partners, contributing to thereof transparence, since they clearly define the rights and responsibilities of buyer and seller, contributing to optimization of logistics and supply-chain management.