
IT Tax&Law talks: an event for IT specialists from UKRSIBBANK and Kyiv IT Cluster

IT Tax&Law talks: захід для айтівців від UKRSIBBANK та Kyiv IT Cluster

UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group jointly with Kyiv IT Cluster invite to the «IT Tax&Law talks» event, which takes place on November 17 at 2:00 p.m. in the IQ Business Center.

At the meeting, Nataliya Gaikalova, CEO of Finevolution, and Anton Tarasiuk, IT lawyer, LLM, CIPP/E, managing partner at Legal IT Group, will tell everything about the Ukrainian IT business within Diia.City, registration and conducting a technological business abroad, legal challenges for IT-specialists in 2024.

For many years, we have been supporting the initiatives that stimulate the development of the IT industry, since it is one of the key industries that strengthen the economy, promote Ukraine on the international stage, and help rebuild and create the country's future. To work successfully both in the domestic market and to conquer the international ones, it is important for IT specialists and IT companies to understand the particularities of taxation, to navigate in changes and rules of conducting legal business. Today, our Bank is one of the key financial partners for IT. We provide services to 30% of the Ukrainian IT market - and this is a huge experience of interaction with industry leaders – the companies and their employees. We are sure that during the «IT Tax&Law talks» event, participants will obtain knowledge and answers on how to work legally and conduct business abroad on legal terms.

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Retail Business of UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group

The initiators will transfer the proceeds from ticket sales to the TIKO FOUNDATION to support the DENTAL MOBILE project — mobile dentistry for the military men. Also, the participants may join the funds-collection during the event. The price of the ticket is UAH 500, and by entering the promo code ukrsibbanktalks50 one  can obtain a discount on the ticket — 50%.

One can buy a ticket by посиланням.