
Scheduled operations breaks. Testing the bank’s systems

Планові перерви роботи – готуємо системи банку до зими

Scheduled operations breaks. Testing the bank’s systems and additional backup channels to be even more prepared for long-term blackouts.

On the 15th of October 2023 (Sunday) at 3:00- 11:00 am on Kyiv time, UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group is going to test the plan of a complete power outage and the possibility of quick recovery of all banks’ systems to provide further uninterrupted customer service.

During the specified period, there will be breaks in operations of internet-banking systems UKRSIB online and UKRSIB business, cards, website, ATM, and POS-terminals of UKRSIBBANK.

If you have financial transactions planned for this time, please make payments in advance and, if necessary, inform your clients and partners. Also, ensure you have enough cash if you plan to pay for goods, services, and services at the specified time.

Testing the plan for a total power outage, the bank wants to prepare for various events in Ukraine and measures to counter them. So, even in conditions of complete lack of electricity and possible blackouts, the bank can restore all service systems quickly, customers will continue to use banking services without interruption, and all personal data will be reliably protected.