
Technologies of the future: UKRSIBBANK supported Tech Ecosystem Summit 2024

Технології майбутнього: UKRSIBBANK підтримав Tech Ecosystem Summit 2024

UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group jointly with Mastercard have supported one of the most important events for Ukrainian ІТ-industry — Tech Ecosystem Summit 2024, initiated by Diia.City.Union and Ukrainian Startup Fund. The event will be held online, on 3 May in Kyiv.

The purpose of the Summit is to learn about the state, prospects, and challenges of IT-industry in Ukraine. In the course of panel discussions, the participants will discuss the practical aspects of mobilization and reservation, the development of IT-business in turbulent conditions, the synergy of associations, and building ecosystems, future innovations, and the global companies’ experience.

Also, in the course of the events, the participants will get familiarized themselves with the new union – Diia.City Union, which will take care that the country’s IT-industry remains competitive.

Among the event participants are the largest IT-industry associations in Ukraine, the top-management of leading IT-companies in Ukraine and the world, and the state authorities’ representatives.

To attend the event,

  • You need to register yourself by the link.

Support of IT-industry and development of technologies is an important direction of the BNP Paribas Group Strategy. In Ukraine UKRSIBBANK offers various opportunities for IT-entrepreneurs who have a individual entrepreneurship status. According to the study of the best offers among the banks, according to version of the Ukrainian portal on finances and investments of the Ministry of Finance (Minfin). The package of services «IT Entrepreneur» is specially created to support individual entrepreneurs in the IT industry. Its opportunities include the free-of-charge account opening, a remote access through Internet banking, premium-level services with a personal relationship manager, an possibility of rending the individual safe box, etc.. Generally, UKRSIBBANK provides special terms and conditions of services for almost 30% of Ukrainian IT-market covering over 1500 companies and more than 100 thousand IT-specialists.

It should be noted that this year UKRSIBBANK has been recognized as the Bank with the best conditions of service rendered to IT-industry, according to the version of the business portal Delo.ua and the magazine «TOP-100. Ratings of the largest». Also, the tariff package «IT Entrepreneur» has been recognized becoming the best among 15 banks according to the Prostobank Awards 2024 version.