
Ukrainian innovations and startups at Viva Technology 2024 with the support of UKRSIBBANK

Українські інновації та стартапи на Viva Technology 2024 за сприяння UKRSIBBANK

With the support of UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group, Ukrainian startups presented at Europe’s largest IT event — Viva Technology 2024, from May 22nd to May 25th in Paris.

14 Ukrainian startups presented their achievements in the fields of fashion, education, medicine, robotization, banking, constructing, livestock etc at the National Stand. The international exhibition gathered 13,500 startups and more than 400 speakers from around the world.

The Ukrainian Tech Night 2024 event was part of the exhibition, which visited about 150 guests, representatives of technology companies from Ukraine and France, startups, and state authorities to exchange experiences, discuss current technological trends, innovative solutions, and opportunities for joint projects. Ukrainian startups also presented their ideas and products.

During the event, there was a panel discussion titled «Turning Challenges into Advantages: Strategies for Realizing the Potential of Ukrainian Partnership», which Yuliia Kadulina, Deputy Chairwoman of the Management Board, Personal Finance Director UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group spoke at. Expert talked about the impact of global economic and financial trends on the Ukrainian market.

Our IT industry is one of the main drivers of sustainable economic development. Despite the war, Ukrainian IT companies help improve the business processes of global organizations, ensure data security, develop innovative solutions, and implement digital transformation strategies. The world already knows Ukraine as an IT hub where highly qualified engineers are capable of shaping the future. Supporting and developing the IT sector is at the heart of our strategy. Today, UKRSIBBANK is one of the leaders in servicing the IT industry in Ukraine. We provide comprehensive financial solutions to nearly 1500 IT companies and over 100,000 IT specialists, accounting for almost 30% of the Ukrainian IT market. Our strong local and international expertise, combined with BNP Paribas's experience, enables us to offer unique and advantageous propositions to the IT sector. We believe in Ukrainian IT's immense potential and we will continue to support the IT industry and strive to be the best bank for IT companies and professionals. By investing in Ukraine now, we are investing in our future.

Deputy Chairwoman of the Management Board, Personal Finance Director UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group

Expert noted that digitalization and innovation play a crucial role in the recovery of Ukraine’s economy, and financial services contribute to the sustainable development of other industries. The speaker also emphasized the importance of creating a favorable investment climate and developing digital infrastructure, including through partnerships between banks, businesses, and international investors.

The cooperation of UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group with Ukrainian startups and innovative companies is an important component of the “Growth Technology Sustainability 2025” strategy. The active IT community UKRSIB TECH, which consists of 400 professionals, creates innovative solutions for providing quality and secure financial services. Since 2015, the bank has been an official partner of the IT Ukraine Association and collaborates with 11 IT clusters in Ukraine. The bank’s support of major events and projects in the IT industry contributes to the sector’s development, feedback from professionals, and understanding of their needs.

National stand of Ukraine at Viva Technology 2024 is organized by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Embassy of Ukraine in the French Republic, Diia.City, Ukrainian Startup Fund, together with the IT Ukraine Association, CCI France Ukraine, La French Tech Kyiv, Nazovni, Digital Ukraine, Seeds of Bravery, and with the support of Mastercard and UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group.